Sunday, April 3, 2011

Two Months Down...Too Many To Go

So today is two months since he left...The time is still going so slow still for me.  It seemed like March definitely went faster than February did, but when I look at my phone and the counter only says 60 days have passed, I am again discouraged.  Sixty days?  That's it?  It seems much much longer!

So today I went to Wal-Mart and bought some more wax warmers and and scent bricks.  Wal-Mart had a warmer on sale for $7.50!  Score!  So of course I had to buy it!  We also bought the movie Tangled.  Can't wait to watch that one!  I wish I would have bought it earlier in the week when it was $15.00 vice $19.96 but oh well.  Not sure how I managed to spend over $67 dollars though?

Zackary had a good time with his grandparents this weekend.  I picked him up this evening.  I definitely enjoy my quiet nights alone without him, but definitely miss him when he's gone.  We came home and he went straight to the Wii and to his cars.  I love that boy!  Every day he  looks more and more like his Daddy!

Well, I'm off...maybe I will write more later....

Thursday Can't Come Soon Enough

So this morning Zackary and I woke up early and headed over to his Tee Ball game.  He did awesome!  He got to keep the game ball!  His team is definitely improving and I am just so proud of him.  He was so pleased with his performance today!  What a cute little love bug!  Then we headed over to my parents house for lunch and so that he could stay the night with them.  My sister and Adam came over as well.  Then we got some not so happy news.  My mom told us that her doctor thinks that her breast cancer has come back...fifteen years later.  They found some calcium deposits in her mammogram and did a little biopsy.  We get the results Thursday.  That day they will also draw some blood for the genetic testing to find out if she carries the mutated gene BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 or if she was the small percentage of the general population that gets it.  If she has the mutated gene my sister and I will have to be tested to see if we were passed the gene.  I think I am going to cry.  Fifteen years of being cancer free and there is a possibility of it being back?  My mom is just 50 years old!  Breast cancer twice by the time you are 50?  I can't believe it.  I don't want this for her, and I don't want this for us.  I wish Jason were here with me.  So Monday I am calling my doctor to get a referral for a mammogram.  Hopefully everything is clear, and hopefully my mom's tests come back negative.  There was so much more information, but honestly I am just so distraught over the possibility that it could be back that I can't even write any more tonight.  Pray for my family.  Pray for my mom.  

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Holy Paper Walls!

Anyone who has ever lived in base housing knows that our walls are just paper thin!  So last night around 2:30 am my neighbors apparently get into a heated fight!  There are a lot of "fuck you"s from him and door slamming from what I assume was from both of them.  Everything of course at the top of their lungs as if neighbors don't exist! At one point at around 2:45 am I hear running up the stairs, more cursing, and suddenly a huge thump and tumble as if someone "fell" down the stairs.  My whole wall that connects to their house SHOOK!  OMG!  Crazy....My heart started pounding.  Fifteen minutes later all three emergency services show up: one ambulance, one fire truck and two police cars!  What the freaking hell happened?  Then you see the paramedics bring in a stretcher.  Oh hell, who is it for?  Apparently the wife.  Somehow they get her on the stretcher all the while she is yelling over and over again like a broken record, "GET OFF OF ME!"  This went on for about 5-10 minutes.  They take her away and the husband is left talking to the police.  I am assuming that they called because I sure didn't.  Keep in mind these people have two kids, one younger than my son and another in Junior High.  Where were they during all of this?  Earlier in the day they had been having a BBQ with some friends.  I saw, heard, and smelled it when I left my house to take my son to my parents house for the night (thank goodness for that!).  When I came back it was quiet and it seemed whatever festivities that were going on were done.  Then a few hours later all of that went down!  What a crazy night!  I was furiously texting Angie on our Words With Friends game documenting everything that was going on!  At the same time I was emailing Jason!  Let me tell you, when Jason picks up rank we are so out of base housing!  I don't like living next to the crazies!  Hahaha!  

I don't think my neighbors have ever lived in base housing so I can only assume that they are unaware of how much I can hear.  But honestly, even if our walls were thicker, everything that went down last night could have been heard regardless of wall thickness!  I am wondering if the people not connected to us could hear.  Not to mention she was screaming,"Get off of me!" outside where I am sure everyone could see and hear her!  Awkward!  Today I went to my garage around noon and I heard her (screaming at her kids or husband, not sure) and thought, "Oh, she's home now."  Now I have only met them once and they seemed pretty normal, but now I feel like I don't know if I should even say hi or anything next time I see them, and will probably make a conscious effort to avoid them.  I am assuming that they were drinking during the BBQ so I am dreading the next BBQ they have.  Yikes.  


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

MIA and Jersey Shore

So I know that I have been MIA for like a few weeks now…OMG what a couple weeks it was.  Zackary was sick the second week of March for about 8 days!  Eight days of fevers!!!!  On day 5 he ends up with an ear infection.  Finally day nine he gets to go back to school!  Halleluiah! 

March 16, 2011 an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.9 shakes up Japan.  The third and seventh fleets begin Operation Tomodachi in an effort to supply aide to the people of Japan.  Jason is out there doing his part for the humanitarian efforts.  I am so proud of him and everyone out there.  The crews on the boats out there have even donated their own personal belongings to the displaced citizens of Japan in need of warm clothes and toiletries.  This is amazing to me because already the sailors are living on minimal items (whatever fits in their footlockers and racks) so to donate their things speaks volumes to their personal character.  I could not be a more proud Navy wife.  I am watching Facebook as all my friends from Japan post about their voluntary evacuations.  If we were still there, I would want to leave too. 

So Zackary has been doing really well at Tee Ball.  My little man is enjoying it so much!  He just took his Tee Ball little league pictures this past weekend and I CANNOT WAIT to see them!  He is just so stinking handsome.  Lucky for me he had a full set of teeth the day of the pictures.  The next night he lost his very first tooth!  OMG, what a sad day for Mommy!  That little tooth releasing itself from his body signaled to me that I do not have a baby anymore.  I know, as if kindergarten wasn’t enough of a signal.  But seriously, a baby tooth fell out!  That means that an adult tooth is on its way in!  ADULT???  No!  He’s FIVE!  Not fair.  I want my baby back!  I need another one!

He spends a lot of his weekends with my parents, who enjoy spending the time with him.  So much time was lost with them in the days that we were stationed in Lemoore and Japan, so now they play catch up and Zackary couldn’t be happier.  He loves spending time with them and definitely enjoys being the only grandchild and only boy in the family! 

This past Saturday Zackary’s friend Conner came for a sleep over.  He apparently taught Zackary all about Jersey Shore so Zackary came up to me later that night with just his jammie shorts on, flexed his little muscles, and shook his bottom while saying “Jersey Shore!”  OMG.  Is that my baby?  I asked where he learned that from and he points at Conner, who smiled in acknowledgement.  OMG.  I almost died.  Now, I watch the Jersey Shore, but never with Zackary awake or around to see or hear it.  So imagine my shock when that came out of his mouth????!!!!!!!!!!!!  Craziness.

So I am missing Jason terribly.  I know he’s out doing good things, but really I could really stand to have him home with me right now.  I love that man.  Time please fly, fly by fast!  I want him home!  

Monday, February 28, 2011

Life goes on...

So in my first post I mentioned that in December I had a miscarriage.  I really hope to never experience that again, and to this day many people don't know I had one.  But I wanted to just put it out there because, frankly I'm tired of dodging posts and questions about it.

I had it right before my birthday, in fact, the last day of my bleeding/spotting was my birthday.  OMG I was a mess.  I am so thankful that I had my husband, sister, mom, dad, Angela, Amanda, Deb, Candace and Amie.  I am really lucky to have had their support and that they didn't mind listening to me babble on and on about it. It really was the most intense emotional pain I had ever experienced in my life and I hope to never experience it again.  It was also comforting to hear that some of them had also gone through what I had just experienced.  Knowing that I wasn't alone in my pain gave me some comfort and I was able to push through and move forward knowing that everything happens for a reason.  Maybe my reason is because I am supposed to graduate (finally!) this year with my BS in Psychology with a minor in Biology.  Maybe my reason is to dedicate this time entirely to Zackary.  Maybe it's because Jason would have been gone the entire pregnancy and birth and not be home until the kid was well over 3 months.  Maybe he is supposed to be home for the whole pregnancy and birth like he was with Zackary.  Who knows?  In any case, I have come to terms with it.  I look forward to getting to work on that task as soon as he returns from deployment.  Ha Ha!  Hopefully it won't be long before we are pregnant again.  I really want Zackary to be a big brother, even if it is a seven year age gap!  I have names picked out for when the times comes.  I think that is one of the things that will make the time go by so sloooooooooow!  I am hoping it doesn't drag on!  That would be torture!  I'm tempted to make my own port call to see him!  But only if it was guaranteed to be around a time that I would be ovulating.  I know, silly, right?

Anyway, well, I'm glad that I got most of what I wanted to express off my chest.  Something like this can be so hard to express into words.  When it happened I couldn't even speak.  I'm glad that my husband understood and helped me through the grieving process as much as a person could, especially since he was grieving as well.  I will always respect Jason for the love and unconditional support he gave me at the worst time in my life.  I love him for everything he did to help me get through it.  I am thankful for my sister sitting with me and watching tv while I bled, for Amie and her boys for dropping off the flowers to make me smile, for Deb, Angela, Candace and Amanda for talking to me and letting me cry.  I am thankful for my parents, who also grieved with us.  I love them for everything they did and didn't have to do, for just being my friend, and doing what best friends should do...being there for be.

Until I have another one, I am content to play with my friend's babies.  RJ and Kira are my faves.  They are the sweetest little babies since my Zackary.  I love to see them smile and discover new things.  I thank Kari and Nic for letting me love her, and Bobby and Carolyn for letting me love RJ.  While some may think that it would make it worse, it doesn't.  I think it's because I could never hate my true friends for having a baby because I couldn't.  Everyone should be blessed with the joy of having a child to love and care for, and those two couples are absolutely wonderful parents and I know that those babies are two of the luckiest kids in the world.  I love that both couples have been here for me since Jason left and I know I can call them up if I ever need anything.  I'm babbling now, I feel.  But I just had to get that out.

All in all, while I know what I went through was tragic, I know something good is on the way.  I feel lucky to have Zackary.  I have a wonderful life, a loving husband, a beautiful son, a fabulous sister and fabulous parents, and fantastic friends.  And, Melanie, you will be buying me that Coach diaper bag someday!  I promise!  :)  Good night!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Finally Friday!

Finally!  Last Friday of the month!  I can't believe that the shortest month of the year seems like it has been the longest month of all!  I thought that him leaving in February would be good because it is the shortest month, you would think that would make it a quick month down in my countdown!  So what has really only been about 3.5 weeks feels like 3.5 months!  UGH!  I hope the next month goes by faster!  Of course, now I am dying for April to come because April 7th a new episode of Vampire Diaries comes back!  Well, at least it gives me something to look forward to...kind of.

So I start my Spring term next week.  Yay and Boo all at the same time!  I am excited because it puts me closer to finishing school, but boo because, well, boo it's school!  I am hoping that the classes are not as boring as they sound.

Tonight I watched Ponyo with my little man.  He crashed out at the beginning of the movie, but I, however, found it to be totally cute!  Made me miss Japan though.  I love having Netflix streaming from my PS3.  So nice to just turn on a movie whenever I feel like it.  Thanks, Nic, for hooking it all up for me.  So easy now that I know how to use it.

I am really missing my husband.  I feel like this year is going to drag.  I am dying for summer to get here.  I am hoping that the summer time will make the rest of my time without him go by much faster.  Ugh, I still have to mop.  I know, random right?  I can't help it, I say whatever comes into my head.  Hopefully writing it all out will help me to remember to do it too.  If by some miracle it helps me to remember, then, Dianna, you need to schedule an eye exam and buy some k-cups for your Keurig.  And now it's not just the coffee ones you need but the tea ones as well.  Let's hope I remember all that this weekend.  Oh, and hook up the printer and check out if your school stuff is online.  Ok.  Noted.

Zackary is again asleep in my bed.  I just can't say no to him.  But I did forewarn him that come his sixth birthday he can no longer sleep in my bed.  He insists that he is a big boy yet come bedtime he wants to be babied and put in bed with me.  While I love that he wants to be my little baby boy at night I really would like to enjoy sprawling out in my own bed!  Even in a king size bed this kid has managed to squish me off to one end almost to the point that I am falling off the bed.  Oh, and having a five year old's head shoved in your back or getting kicked in the face throughout the night is not fun either.  How on earth does he manage to be so mobile in his sleep?  I can hear him snoring.  What a stinkin' cutie!

So I ordered a new headband from Luxe Boulevard last night!  I can't wait for it to get here!  I am super excited to try it on.  I definitely need to get the other ones I had my eyes on.  I am so excited for it I think as soon as it arrives I will rip it out of the packaging and put it on immediately.  I wish I had the creativity and talent to create something so beautiful.  At least my little man is gorgeous!  If I never make nifty crafts at least I know I can make beautiful babies, right?  

Tomorrow I go down to see my parents.  Hurray for a free lunch.  I need to save my money so I take my free meals when I can.  I wish they would pay for me to get my hair touched up though. Hopefully our state tax return comes in soon.  I have some plans for that money!  What could be more fun than putting it towards bills and savings?  I know, lucky me right?  At least it puts me somewhat closer to being as debt free as possible.  

So today my sister (who is working on her second Bachelor's degree, this one in nursing, the over achiever :) still love her though) tells me that she had to wrap some old man's balls in gauze because they had gangrene!  OMG, gangrene on the testicles???  YUCK!  Poor sister.  Thank goodness for the latex gloves, I suppose.  But, gees, how awkward for both parties involved.  I don't know if I will ever look at her poor little hands the same again.

Well, it's off to bed for me....need to get up a bit earlier tomorrow so I can go see my parents, but grab a latte on the way over.  My next post will probably be more about me, like all that nice getting to know you stuff.  Fun times.  So until next time....goodnight!

Princess Mommy

Hmmm....sirens at 1 am?  Hope everything is ok outside....

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Welcome To My World

So, I haven't blogged in forever.  I could barely come up with a title because my brain is so focused on other things going on in my life.   I had to enlist the help of  one of my best friends, Candace H., in order to figure out what to call my blog.  Thank goodness she knows me well enough to get inside my head and help me pull out what I wanted to say but couldn't find in my brain files.  

So a little about me.  I'm Dianna.  I'm a Princess Mommy.  What is that, you ask?  Growing up I was always my dad's princess.  As I got older I continued to fancy myself a princess.  I like nice things, pretty things, things my way, well you get the picture.  I don't like to get dirty, nor do I like my child to be dirty.  That's where the Mommy part comes in.  I have one son who is 5.5 years old and I'm married to the love of my life, Jason.  He's in the Navy and currently deployed.  He just left and will be gone for a looooooong time!  Boo!  But life has to go on so I am going to power through this deployment and hope it goes by quickly.  When he returns, it's baby making time!  I am ready for baby number two!  If you know me and you are wondering, yes I had a miscarriage in December.  It was a difficult time for me, but I pride myself on being a strong woman and with the help of some awesome friends and my family I was able to get through the experience.

This will just generally be about my life day to day and everything I experience and go through. So until next blog....
Princess Mommy